1.) A $500.00 deposit is required per dog and will be deducted from the final bill. It is understood that dogs will be returned only upon full payment of bill.
2.) It is understood that the client has read, understands and agrees to the rate sheet provided. (Rate sheet found here)
3.) Client agrees to pay all entry fees and assumes responsibility for making entries unless prior arrangements have been made. We use Entries on time entry service. (800) 992 8955
4.) Client agrees to notify handlers as to which shows will be entered. It is further understood that failure of client to enter dog (client forgets, the entry service fails to get the entry in, entries get lost in the mail, etc.) after verbally contracting the handlers to show a dog for a specific show or shows will result in assessment of full handling fees for said show(s). Fees will also be assessed in full if client pulls a dog after close of entries or within 24 hours of closing date for a given show.
5.) It is understood that the owner of the dog will assume all costs incurred by the handlers for any medical treatment by a veterinarian required for the dog while under supervision of the handlers. It is further agreed that the handlers shall determine the need for any veterinary care for the animal while under their supervision.
6.) It is the client's responsibility to advise the handlers of any habits the dog may have that could possibly present a problem in giving safe and adequate care in the handlers’ facility or at the dog show.
7.) It is the client's responsibility to to provide and inform the handlers of a dog's medication and the dog's need of medication.
8.) It is understood that the handlers will make the best choices for dogs concerning their nutrition and health, and handlers may find it necessary to supplement dogs (including but not limited to vitamins, probiotics, prebiotics, fish oils). By hiring our services, the owner of the dog(s) consent to the handlers giving any food or supplements the handlers find necessary.
9.) It is understood that the owner of the dog will clearly submit to the handlers any allergies of the dog, or sensitivities (including but not limited to Ivermectin Sensitivities AKA MDR-1 Mutation) as the handlers provide a monthly heartworm to dogs in their care as well as any necessary supplements.
10.) In case of ring conflict, priority will be at the discretion of the handlers. If necessary, a competent substitute handler will be secured to show your dog and the normal handling fee will be charged. In the event that no competent handler is available, the dog will be marked absent and no handling fee will be charged.
11.) It is understood that the handlers will not be liable for damage that may result from handling, boarding, or transporting of your dog including but not limited to theft, fire, escape or death.
12.) Payment is due upon issue of invoice. A 10% late fee will be assessed on accounts 30 days past due. Owner or responsible person further agrees to pay Handler for any reasonable and necessary expenses which may arise in taking care of or handling the dog, which are unforeseen and therefore not provided for in the rate sheet. Any and all disputes regarding payment, which cannot be agreed upon satisfactorily between client and handlers, will be settled in a courthouse of Patrick & Christina Mazepink's choice. It is further agreed that client shall pay any and all legal fees and court costs should this action become necessary to collect any indebtedness